Secrets secrets are no fun unless you share with EVERONE............
I had to keep the biggest secret of my life ever a few weeks ago (yes, fellow follower, i'm a tad bit late) Andrea Melanie and I went to my family's beach house in Sunset for a weekend to just get together, catch up, have wine, relax, and just be silly together! Mel and I promised Mason we wouldn't spill the beans and tell Andrea that he was going to propose the VERY NEXT weekend. It was quite difficult for me but I did it, guess i'll give my self a pat on the back for that one, Mase I know your proud! Here are a few pics from our 3blind mice weekend... which we have just made as not only an anual thing but a bi-anual event that will last forever and I'm sure will eventually include all of our other halves (thats the plan right God?! ha!)
And Finally I could open my mouth......... February 26th is when he popped the question and I suprised her in Columbia with family and friends to celebrate with very sweet toasts, cake, champagne, and of course tears (from me, go figure.... ) It was a BLAST and still so crazy and weird that My best friend is engaged and going through all the fun planning festivities.....
The funny thing about it is that when us three were in highschool we ALWAYS talked about how when we got "older" that:
A: "our husbands better love each other, because they will be seeing a lot of one another"
B: "Andrea would be first to get married, I would be second, and Melanie would be third" (so far the plan is right on track hahaha) Of course Mel's prediction was a little altered ;)
It is so funny to think back to those conversations and just laugh (ecspecially at letter B)
And the wedding planning begins.... CHEERS to the soon to be Mason and Andrea Snyder!!!!!!!