I'm back :) - Ya'll didn't think I'd come back did you? I definitly took quite the "hiatus" , is that how you spell that word?
2 things that I would like to do at some point (No, this is not a New Years resolution...)
1- Write a book about my life, with excerpts from "the mouth of babes" from my classroom. I think it would be totally entertaining...
2 - Sell my wine glasses. I LOVE painting them, and always do it for presents year round but how cool would it be to have my own line in one of those "girly, boutique" shops that I never shop in?
I have to tell you that my FAVORITE part of the school year with my kiddos is the Christmas holiday season. It starts in my classroom right after Thanksgiving break and we have a solid 3 weeks to enjoy the lights, decorations, music and festivities. I have a snowman in my room this year that I made in Spanish class back in 7th grade... my kids love it. I love it too because its like a big pinata almost and reminds me of South Charlotte Middle School and my teacher--- ugh, wish I could remember his name, but he resembles Humpty Dumpty. It was there, in that class, that I learned my favorite Spanish word--- sacapuntas (pencil sharpener ladies and gents!) Its got quite a ring to it, don't you think?!
Celebrating Christmas in a public school runs on quite a fine line. I however totally focus more on Christmas than any other holiday. How can you not if you are a believer!! I mean come on... It's the Lords birthday! I was amazed this year to watch my kids, listen to them talking with friends, and hear them sing all about Jesus. My radio is on each morning in class when the kids come in... to 91.9 Christian music station. I play it during writing time too. On many occasions I have caught my kids singing along with the songs! Ha, I love it. My kids reference God and Jesus on many occasions, and I just eat it up asking questions as if I don't know anything just to get more out of there 6 year old mouths!
Here are a few:
* I was reading a story about weather and asked how drizzle and rainstorm were different, one of my Chinese little friends stood up and said (forget the hand raising...) IT MEANS GOD IS CRYING REALLY REALLY HARD. That lesson lost its umph real fast. I laughed and laughed....
* During guided reading ("small group reading" for all you non teachers,) we were reading a story about a grandmother having a yard sale. I asked what made them think she was a grandmother, and what it reminded them of. One of my little girls said, " You know what, my grandma died once, and she in da ground, and she about to turn to a skeleton, and den she gonna be in heaven." Me: Really, whats it like up there? - "I don't even know, I not up der"
*I think I told the kids to do something one afternoon, and one kid must have not liked it and said " ohhhhhh Jesus no" - another little girl got SO mad she said Jesus, and said " Don't be sayin Jesus name like dat, you aint sposed to do dat, my grandmomma said so"
....they crack me up.
Pan Seared Tofu Bowls
3 hours ago