Top 15 Livin the Cam life things that you probably don't know....
1: I paint, then pick off, then paint, then pick off, then paint again my nails
2: I like to brush my teeth in the shower
3: I deep condition my hair once a month and saran wrap my head like an Arabic
4: I hate technology and would much prefer pencil and paper, but I'm trying to keep up with the times...
4: I secretly love disecting things and think I did this along with being a singer in my past life
5: I never want to be famous, but really wanna be the next bachelorette... go figure.
6: I love shrimp, but hate fish only because I picture them swimming with their family like Nemo in the ocean.
7: When I was little, my mom would go looking for me... and EVERY time, I was in my bed asleep with my "Obo" (pretty positive I was the best child... maybe I shoud say baby...)
8: I want to marry a man with the heart of my father.
9: I think a lot about adopting chilren with rough home lives, fixing them up socially, emotionally, mentally, personally... and with manners.....then giving them back to teach their parents.
10:I wish I could go back and erase all the mean things I said to my mom in highschool... they were AWFUL, she is an amazing woman.
11:I have always wanted to be a photographer
12:I HATE baking, just like to eat the batter, I HATE measuring things, which is why I LOVE cooking and throwing a little this and a little that in....
13:I love a rocking chair and a BIG front porch.
14:Sunflowers are my all time favorite flower.... guess that fits my nickname my best friend Jason gave me, "sunshine cam"
15: I rather hold my nose, close my eyes and eat fish than walk in Lowes, such a man store......
Pan Seared Tofu Bowls
3 hours ago