Don't ya just LOVE granola. Such a great "grab n go" snack. I'll have to give props to little sis, Jordy for the recipe! She just found this recipe online.... I tweeked it a little bit, in the way that I didn't measure anything and added 2 different ingredients. Its super healthy, and you can add it to your cereal, yogurt, or snack out of cup!
Here are the ingredients:
Why you may ask why I have all the "Great Value" labels.... gotta love Wally World's generic prices people :)
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, unless your OCD, don't measure...put in what YOU like!
Take a look at this CLEAR picture! Why Thankyou phone camera...
On the stove, heat up a little honey, a little, peanut butter, a little veggie oil and a little applesauce. This is your "healthy sticky" that will make your granola, drizzle and stir all around and then.....
Put on a baking sheet (minus the dried fruit, that comes at the very end) and put in oven at 350 for about 20-30 minutes, keep checking on it and stirring it around it will burn if your not careful :)
This is the best part... I don't know how other people do it but I love pouring all of it in a big brown Harris Teeter bag, adding the fruit and doin a little shake shake... and there you have it :)
Now get to snacking :) Happy Sunday!
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